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The Future of Emerging Market Investing

Monday, December 5 - 7:00 PM

Rethinking Emerging Markets: The Next Decade of Global Growth & How to Capture It

Discussed by Kevin T. Carter, CIO  – EMQQ

Monday, December 5, 2022    7:00 PM Eastern Time

The Third Wave of global digitization has reached an inflection point. The conditions and technologies born in Silicon Valley have now spread, evolved, and matured worldwide, creating billions of digital natives and numerous unicorns in all corners of the globe. With the developing world’s swelling middle class of youthful online consumers as the catalyst, new innovative companies are just now going public, which is sparking a golden age of digital transformation for Emerging Markets.

You Will Learn:

  • Rethinking the approach to Emerging Markets during period of historically attractive valuations
  • How the largest Emerging Market Indexes are fundamentally flawed
  • How to capture what McKinsey & Co. calls “the biggest growth opportunity in the history of capitalism”
  • The Next Wave of the Digital Revolution: The internet story accelerates in India, LatAm and SE Asia
  • China Outlook: regulation and delisting update/catalysts 
  • The India opportunity as the country enters its own ‘techade’

Free Seminar Registration provided at our website.


Zoom Meeting provided by American Association of Individual Investors
Cleveland, OH 44136
Event Type
Lecture / Workshop


AAII Cleveland Chapters

Date / Time

Monday, December 5, 2022
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


D. Lewis
(440) 462-7649
More Info: